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Equality Objectives

Equality Statement

Lindow Community Primary School makes all members of our school community feel welcome and valued irrespective of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion and belief and sexual identity.  Our values and ethos promote equality and actively tackle discrimination.

We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations within our community.

We are committed to equal opportunities and have high expectations for all pupils.  Our curriculum design ensures accessibility and inclusion for all through the following key principles:

  • All learners have equal value, whether or not they are disabled, whatever their ethnicity, culture or nationality, whatever their gender and gender identity, whatever their religious or non-religious affiliation or faith, whatever their sexual identity.  This is driven via our Lindow Life Skills curriculum and the 'No Outsiders' programme.

  • We recognise and respect difference;  We recognise the kinds of barriers and disadvantages which people may face in relation to disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, belief or faith, sexual identity as well as home circumstances and strive to address and eliminate this through our Lindow Life Skills curriculum.

  • We foster positive attitudes and relationships and a shared sense of belonging between groups and communities different from each other through targeted teaching in each area of our Lindow Life Skills Curriculum and themed weekly 'Community' assemblies

To see our full Equality Information & Objectives statement, please see here.