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Our Office


Staffed by Mrs O’Rourke, the office is a key part of our school. If you wish to make a payment to school via East Cheshire's on-line payments system please click here.

If your child is absent for any reason, the school must be informed by phone or letter. The Department of Education requires careful monitoring of all absences. We need you to phone us before 9.30 am on 01625 917269 on the first morning that your child is absent from school to ensure that your child is safe at home and to prevent unauthorised absences. If we do not hear from you, we will attempt to make contact. 

Attendance & Punctuality
As you are already aware, good attendance and punctuality are essential to children’s learning and progress. As such, and because we are legally required to act upon low attendance and punctuality, the governing body continually monitor both attendance and punctuality across the school and also that of individual children. We regularly review and update our policies and practice accordingly, to encourage good attendance and punctuality for all.

Please see Cheshire East's advice on attendance and punctuality here..

Holidays during term time
We would be grateful if parents would try to restrict holidays to the official school holidays so that your child's work suffers minimum disruption. For term-time absences, a written request must be made, the form is  available to download below. These will only be authorised in 'exceptional circumstances.'  

Please be advised that in line with instructions from the DfE you may be fined for unauthorised absence from school. Please see the  DfE guidelines for further information.

Request to give medication
If you wish your child to be given medication in school please download and complete the form below.

School Uniform
For details of our school uniform and how it can be ordered, please visit this page.

Paper copies
If you require a paper copy of any of the information on the School's website please contact the school's office and this will be provided free of charge.