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At Lindow Community Primary School, our Relationships Education, Health Education, RSE and promotion of British Values are driven by our Lindow Life Skills. These skills are the golden thread of our curriculum and beyond; they drive everything we do to prepare our children, including the most disadvantaged and those with SEND or high needs, with the skills and knowledge they require for the next stage of life.

Our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) curriculum and school culture promote positive behaviour, and an understanding of how behaviour impacts on ourselves and relationships with others. Children learn to recognise what makes healthy relationships through the context of kindness, consideration and respect for all, including themselves. The building blocks of healthy relationships with friends and family, other children and adults are explored in an age-appropriate way, and link with our wider school teaching around values and positive behaviour. Children also learn about recognising healthy relationships in a range of contexts, as well as how to recognise less positive relationships and what to do if they encounter these. 

The curriculum for PSHE is delivered throughout the whole school using six focus topics: Family and Relationships, Health and Wellbeing, Citizenship, Economic Wellbeing, Safety and the Changing Body, with Year 6 pupils also learning about Identity. Learning in each topic takes place during weekly whole-class lessons which explore the different themes. Our PSHE programme teaches the diverse beliefs, values and attitudes that individuals and societies hold; it helps pupils to develop themselves, their understanding of the world, and their ability to communicate their feelings. Children at Lindow also acquire an understanding and experience of British values that are necessary if they are to value themselves, respect others, appreciate differences and feel confident and informed as a British citizen through our delivery of the No Outsiders programme.

From September 2020, the teaching of Relationships Education and Physical Health and Mental Well-being became a statutory requirement of all schools. RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) is taught as explicit lessons through the PSHE and science curriculums but is also embedded in other areas of the curriculum and day-to-day life of the school. In PSHE, RSE is specifically covered in the ‘Safety and the Changing Body’ unit. In science, ‘Animals Including Humans’ and ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’ units also cover the statutory requirements. Children are taught by familiar adults who they have a good rapport with, in order to facilitate constructive and supportive discussions about sensitive topics in a safe and secure environment. Through our rigorous and progressive curriculum, children develop key skills and are prepared for the wider world beyond primary school, a world in which they can keep themselves safe and healthy and thrive with the support of the positive relationships they forge with those around them.