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We are happy to talk through any allergies and dietary requirements with parents.  Please call the school office to make an appointment with us.  Due to a number of children and staff with severe allergies, Lindow is a NUT FREE school and no items containing nuts are to be brought into school.

Communications Home
We communicate with Parents via class dojo, text message, email and letters.

From the Reception class onwards we encourage the children to continue their learning at home. We also encourage parents to get involved, particularly in the early years when children are learning to read. For advice, on helping your child to read please download the document below.

Homework tasks may include any of the following:

  • Reading
  • Learning multiplication tables and spellings
  • Research and preparation for classwork
  • Maths investigations

We always ensure that parents are informed about the type of homework their child can expect, when the work will be set and when it should be completed by.  For details of our Homework policy and our use of Class Dojos please see the letter below.

Parent Helpers / Volunteers
Parents are always very welcome at Lindow and teachers will always make themselves available for discussions with parents at a mutually convenient time. Many parents work alongside the children on a regular basis, accompanying us on school trips and visits, and provide valuable help with a whole range of school activities. If you are interested in becoming a parent volunteer, please speak to the school office.

Parent Evenings
We have two 'official' parents evenings each year, in Autumn Term and Spring Term, when parents are invited into school to discuss their child's progress with the child's teacher. Parents receive an annual report for their child towards the end of the school year in July. 

Parking at School
We ask that all parents/carers dropping off and collecting children from school obey the rules set out in our Parking policy below.

What to do if you are worried/concerned about your child 
Talk to your child's teacher as soon as possible at a mutually convenient time. If possible, always give the teacher some idea of what you wish to discuss in advance of the meeting. Most difficulties are resolved in this way.
If you still feel concerned, make an appointment to see the Headteacher, outlining the problem briefly when you make the appointment. The Headteacher will work with you to resolve the problem. If you still feel concerned then contact the Chair of Governors in writing via the school.

Parent Workshops
We endeavour to keep parents informed about the primary school curriculum and developments within it. Parents will be invited to several of these workshops throughout the year.