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Year 4 - Miss Lightfoot


Dear Parents and Carers and children, 
Welcome to our Year Four page, Miss Lightfoot will be supported by our lovely teaching assistants Mrs Jackson & Mrs Glenister. 
This is an exciting year that allows the children to develop and strengthen their knowledge and understanding of lower key stage two securely. 
We have a stimulating and engaging curriculum that offers plenty of opportunity to extend and build academic knowledge and work towards developing happy and confident children. Our weekly teaching of Lindow Life Skills weaves together to help prepare our children for and navigate the wider world. The topics we cover build on previously learned knowledge from across the curriculum and help to prepare children for upper key stage two. Throughout the year, a wide genre of writing is taught, to practise the technical skills of writing and we have a strong focus on the knowledge and understanding of the times tables, completing the Multiplication Tables Check in June. 
At the beginning of the summer term, we had our revered and exciting residential trip to Robinwood, in Todmorden, Lancashire. Here, the children participated in a fun-packed, three-day adventure away from home, testing their resilience, perseverance and teamwork skills, creating skills and memories for life.

To view our plans for the current term please click on the Curriculum button below.  

We also have our own class dojo page where children are given dojo points for working hard, good teamwork, perseverance etc. We post messages to the closed parent group, which is great for keeping in contact and sharing current learning.